Amplicon KwikDraw-A Digital series

1HE Rackmount LCD-Konsole, VGA, ohne KVM-Funktionalität

  • Ästhetisch glattes Design
  • Einfache Montagemöglichkeit, ausführbar durch eine Person
  • Tastatur mit 104 Tasten und integriertem Touchpad

The Rackmount digital console drawers offer varied screen sizes and resolutions to suit any application need. The 17HD and 17WHR offer a front USB mount which can be utilised for USB thumb drive for system updates.

All units offer a low power consumption for those green in mind and a low 5W standby.

Easy installation and sleek aesthetic design make this a perfect console of choice.

Options are available with the KVM functionality.

Learn more about the Amplicon Rackmount console drawers range.

Rack / Rackable
Screen Count
Screen Size
17 inch
20 inch
High Def
Standard Def
KVM Option
Keyboard and Screen
Datasheet 184.33 KB
Datasheet 147.25 KB

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